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Application Procedure

  1. Please register first.
  2. After registration a password will be sent to you. Use this password to login.
  3. It is possible that you have forgotten your password.
  4. Submit a Declaration of Intent. The DoI provides the information that the Board of Directors needs to decide whether a grant proposal should be invited; see Note 2 below.
  5. Your Declaration of Intent will be processed, and you may be asked to provide further information or submit a grant proposal.
  1. JSF is particularly interested in supporting novel research directions at their early stages when funding from other sources may not yet be available.
  2. Among other pertinent information, the DoI should state the novel idea brought to the respective field of research and what distinguishes the project from competitors' works.
  3. JSF also welcomes requests for supporting young participants of physics conferences or workshops (up to $15,000 per event).
  4. Usually, JSF grants do not have an overhead (indirect costs) component. Rare exceptions are possible with strong justification.
  5. The recipient of a JSF grant cannot receive a salary payment from the grant award.